#51 – Dr. Marianna Evans – Is Kasey Li’s EASE Really the Only Way to True Expansion?

Dr. Marianna Evans is a Renowned Airway Orthodontist & Periodontist who is coming on JawHacks for the second time to discuss whether parallel maxillary expansion, as opposed to anterior, conical maxillary expansion, can only be achieved through the Kasey Li’s EASE (Endoscopically-Assisted Surgical Expansion).

How does founder Won Moon’s traditional MSE measure up to the newer Custom MARPEs? Are surgical assists necessary, or even desirable? Do patients have different anatomies, and need different types of expansion? All of that and more will be discussed in this JawCast!

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0:00:00 Introduction

00:03:39 Dr. Evans Agrees There’s a Decent Argument For Posterior Expansion, But Says it’s Only Theory Due to Lack of Evidence

00:04:31 Differing Anatomies, Differing Types of Expansion

00:09:39 3D Modelling of Each Type of Expansion – Theoretical or Accurate?

00:12:54 The Argument For EASE

00:17:44 Dr. Evans Explains The Reality of EASE

00:20:29 What is & isn’t Custom MARPE

00:23:10 Dr. Evans Prefers Screws Placed Parallel to The Midpalatal Suture

00:25:26 Why Dr. Evans Doesn’t Do PIEZO

00:31:01 Significance of the Pterygomaxillary Suture?

00:32:41 Pterygomaxillary Suture Must Open in order to get Posterior Expansion

00:34:03 Releasing The Pterygomaxillary Suture

00:35:09 What is the Two Pen Approach?

00:35:58 Most Significant Resistance is Through the Vomer Bone – Using Two Pen Approach to Split it

00:40:40 Dr. Evans Achieving Parallel Splits Without Surgery

00:48:06 Dr. Evans Opinion: More Research & Knowledge is Required To Compare Expansion Techniques

00:52:14 Isn’t PIEZO Minimally Invasive? Ron Practiced PIEZO With Dr. Lipkin and There Wasn’t a Drop of Blood

00:53:44 Dr. Evans Says Surgical Assists Should be Avoided Unless Absolutely Necessary

00:56:59 In Defense of PIEZO

00:58:35 Dr. Evan’s Beautiful Custom MARPE for Parallel Splitting

01:02:50 True Counterpoint to Anti-Custom MARPE Claims?

01:04:12 Dr. Evans REALLY Wants to Avoid the Potential Complications of Surgical Assists- She Waited 10 Years to Expand Herself Without Surgery

01:05:47 End

NO MEDICAL OR DENTAL ADVICE. Ronald Ead and JAWHACKS, LLC, dba JawHacks (collectively, “we”) does not give medical advice. We are not licensed medical professionals. The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk. We make no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. You should not use these materials to diagnose or treat any health issues, illnesses or diseases. In addition, we do not recommend or endorse any provider of health care or health-related products, items, or services.