#49 – Dr. Yousefian – You WILL Understand TMJ Disorders After Watching This

Dr. Joseph Yousefian, DMD, MS, is an orthodontist practicing in Bellevue, Washington. He is famous on my channel for being the only provider who pairs mandibular skeleton expansion (DAME or MSDO) with MSE.

Dr. Yousefian is also a pioneer in investigating the interconnection between airway and TMJ disorders.

He and his son Ryan own and operate ApnoMed, a medical device company focused on sleep apnea and TMJ health.

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1-on-1 Chat with Ron


0:00 Beginning of abridged interview: telegnathic surgery

0:33 Patient with minor malocclusion yet bruxism, TMD & migraines

2:16 Causes sleep bruxism and why’s it destructive

3:16 Bruxism is harmful though chewing tough food is healthy

5:13 If force is constant, it constricts blood flow, which destroys bone of the condyle

8:15 Animation of healthy TMJ movement during mouth opening

9:18 Animation showing how deep bite can damage the TMJ

16:29 ApnoTX to avoid TMJ damage due to anterior open bite

20:03 A maxillary expander screwed to the palate decreases airway size

22:03 Patient with OSA gets sleepy while driving

24:04 Dying condylar bone due to osteoarthritis

26:07 A displaced disc can destroy of the top of the condyle and shrink the airway

28:39 Other doctor expands the the maxilla 6 mm max to avoid the mandible being too narrow

30:26 Treatment for patient with severe sleep apnea

32:45 From severe sleep apnea to not having sleep apnea

32:52 Why expansion of the mandible reduces sleep apnea

34:45 About 1.3 billion people have sleep apnea

35:57 The danger of mandibular expansion

38:20 Nasal surgery is an alternative to MMA for some with sleep breathing disorders

38:48 Yousefian has never had a patient develop empty nose syndrome after nasal surgery

39:34 DAME fixes mandibular incisors crowding, bimaxillary protrusion, or mandibular alveolar protrusion

46:50 The purpose of the MSE arms that support the molars

49:23 Asians shouldn’t have their jaws moved 10mm forward to avoid Simian Face

51:37 Recommended article with extraordinary before and after photos

52:28 Beginning of the unabridged interview with Dr. Joseph Yousefian

NO MEDICAL OR DENTAL ADVICE. Ronald Ead and JAWHACKS, LLC, dba JawHacks (collectively, “we”) does not give medical advice. We are not licensed medical professionals. The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk. We make no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information presented. You should not use these materials to diagnose or treat any health issues, illnesses or diseases. In addition, we do not recommend or endorse any provider of health care or health-related products, items, or services.