@Augusto_Caten is a Brazilian self help influencer with over 187k subscribers on YouTube and 800k followers on TikTok. His purpose in life is to help lost, sad and purposeless people become the best versions of themselves through mediation, fitness, journaling and overcoming addition.
I had the honor of being the guest on his channel where we discussed topics ranging from mewing, diet, neck exercises and palatal expansion. This video is also posted on his channel with Brazilian subtitles.
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1-on-1 Chat with Ron
0:00 Intro
1:26 Why health and beauty are correlated
9:49 The importance of the suction hold
15:17 The mewing catch 22
19:13 Tooth vs bone borne appliances
29:27 The barefoot running analogy
25:39 How to incorporate mewing into your life
40:31 How to stimulate your jaw
44:41 Neck workouts + chin tucks
50:40 Hardware issues that hinder mewing
59:23 Do NOT get nasal surgery
1:04:01 MSE complications + fence cases
1:11:40 Why NOT to get braces early
1:19:02 TMJ causes & treatment + chewing
1:32:09 Getting a jawline + mewing exercises
1:46:33 Closing remarks