My Compressed Neck Posture (That Caused Chronic Migraines)

In this post I will use photos to show my own compressed neck posture.

What is compressed neck posture?

Esther Gokhale in her book 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back offers the most likely understanding of healthy human posture. In her discussion of neck posture, she draws a distinction between what she calls a "compressed neck," (60) which is "compromised," (44) and an "elongated neck," (60) which is "ideal" (44).


Photos of My Own Compressed Neck Posture

The following photos make it clear that I have "compressed" rather than "elongated" neck posture.


Photos of Ideal, Elongated Neck Posture

My own compressed neck posture becomes more noticeable when compared to the following images people with ideal, elongated neck posture.


Compressed Neck Posture and Migraines

Evidence from migraine surgery suggests that compressed nerves in my neck caused my chronic headaches. But how were those nerves compressed in the first place?

Compressed neck posture causes nerve compression in the greater, lesser and third occipital nerves, three prominent nerves of the neck. Migraine headaches are the symptoms of this nerve compression.

But What Causes Compressed Neck Posture?

Asking this question will take us one step closer to discovering the root cause of my chronic migraine condition.

In my next post, I will show that compressed neck posture is actually a symptom of atypical facial growth. Therefore, atypical facial growth is the root cause of my chronic migraines. 


Migraines or Neuralgia? There's a Difference


Migraine Headaches: A Real Pain in the Neck (Literally)